Entry requirements

Please note:

The test should have been passed within two years of the enrolment date of the degree for which you are applying. In relation to TOEFL ibt, myBest or Superscore results not accepted. Where tests include individual element scores, minimum scores must be achieved in one sitting. Duolingo is NOT accepted.

  • Global College
    Advanced Degree Entry (Foundation) Programme in Engineering + Year 1: Engineering
    Advanced Degree Entry (Foundation) Programme in Management + Year 1: Management
    Degree Entry (Foundation) Programme Design Studies
    Degree Entry (Foundation) Programme Engineering / Computing
    Degree Entry (Foundation) Programme Management / Psychology
  • Undergraduate
    MA (Hons) Accountancy and Finance
    BEng (Hons) Architectural Engineering
    BA (Hons) Architecture
    BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering
    BBA (Hons) Bachelor of Business Administration
    MA (Hons) Business and Finance
    Certificate of Higher Education in Engineering
    BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering
    BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
    BA (Hons) Communication Design
    BSc (Hons) Computer Science
    BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
    BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Cyber Security)
    BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Data Science)
    BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Software Engineering)
    BSc (Hons) Computer Systems
    BSc (Hons) Computer Systems (Computer Games Programming)
    BSc (Hons) Data Sciences
    BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    BA (Hons) Fashion Branding and Promotion
    BA (Hons) Interior Design
    MA (Hons) International Business Management
    MA (Hons) Marketing
    BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
    BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering
    BSc (Hons) Psychology
    BSc (Hons) Psychology with Management
    MA (Hons) Real Estate Management and Finance
    BEng (Hons) Robotics, Autonomous and Interactive Systems
    BSc (Hons) Statistical Data Science
  • Postgraduate
    MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    MSc Artificial Intelligence
    MSc Business Analytics and Consultancy
    MSc Business Psychology
    MSc Business Psychology with Coaching
    MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management
    MSc Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying
    MSc Construction Project Management
    MSc Data Science
    MSc Design Management
    MSc Digital Marketing
    MSc Energy
    MSc Facilities Management
    MSc Finance and Management
    MSc Global Sustainability Engineering
    MSc Information Technology (Business)
    MSc Information Technology (Software Systems)
    MA Interior Architecture and Design
    MSc International Accounting and Finance
    MSc International Business Management with Finance
    MSc International Business Management with HRM
    MSc International Business Management with Marketing
    MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    Master of Business Administration
    MSc Network Security
    MSc Petroleum Engineering
    MSc Real Estate
    MSc Renewable Energy Engineering
    MSc Robotics
    MSc Software Engineering
  • Research
    EngD Construction
    EngD Energy
    PhD Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society
    PhD Engineering and Physical Sciences
    PhD Management
    PhD Mathematical and Computer Sciences
    PhD Psychology

Double R - международное образовательное агентство, посвященное облегчению доступа к обучению за границей для всех студентов по всему миру. Главная цель компании - предоставление консультационных услуг по обучению за границей, подготовка студентов к поступлению в лучшие международные университеты с высокими стандартами образования, предоставление полезной информации по вопросам жилья, страхования и иммиграции. Агентство Double R осуществляет свою деятельность в соответствии с учредительными документами в рамках закона.

Наши контакты

Астана, Казахстан
Спрингфилд, США
Вашингтон, США
Баку, Азербайджан
Берлин, Германия
Джидда, Саудовская Аравия
Пуэрто-Монтт, Чили
Гирне, Кипр

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